Friday, January 01, 2010

My Word For 2010 - TIME!

TIME! Yep, that's my word for 2010! TIME!

Too often, I tend to waste a lot of TIME, sitting on the computer when I should be doing something else.....anything else. Too often, TIME passes by me too quickly! Too often, I tend to take TIME for granted & think I still have plenty of TIME to finish something I started. Truth is, TIME is very valuable! And if we're not careful, TIME will go by in a flash before we have the chance to grasp it!

This year, I will use my TIME more wisely! I will cherish my TIME more with my loved ones, something I wish I would have done more of these past 47 years! I will make more TIME for me! I will make more TIME for family! I will make more TIME for friends! I will make more of an effort to be on TIME this year!

We cannot turn back TIME, but we can make sure to treasure the memories of the TIME we've had! And I will be doing just that.....treasuring the memories I shared with my Mom! Treasuring the memories I shared with my sister Karen! And making new memories to treasure with Jim & the rest of my family!

TIME! One little word that means so much to me! What's your word for 2010?

Have a wonderful, happy & safe New Year!



Denise said...

Benita, I hope you have a happy and healthy New Year!


Ryzmomplus2 said...

Love your word, and its so easy to see how much time we lose while on the computer... using my computer time in the evening once a week to read or do something else!

Janet said...

What a great post. It's so true...time is fleeting, and we don't appreciate it and use it as wisely as we should. Happy New Year to you, Benita!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful post! I need to follow this advice. Time is something I take for granted also. Happy New Yesr!!