Saturday, November 24, 2007

Laughter IS The BEST Medicine!

Yep, it's the truth.....laughter IS indeed the best medicine! Tonight we went to see Dane Cook at the Palace & I haven't laughed this hard in almost a year since seeing Carlos Mencia last December. Dane is totally hilarious!!! I literally had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard! Jim & I are arguing about who is better.....Dane or Carlos. He claims Carlos is better....I say Dane. It's a tough one, let me tell ya! But Dane is definitely cuter ;)
Unfortunately, we weren't allowed to take any cameras with detachable lenses in (which meant my DRebel had to stay home), but we could take small cameras in, so we brought Cassie's digital that we bought for her trip to Europe & snapped some pretty good pics with it :)

Being 5 rows away from the stage really helped, too :)

Yesterday, we braved the crowds & did some Black Friday shopping up at Birch Run Outlet & also in Saginaw, because I just had to go to Hobby Lobby :). I got some great deals on some scarecrows for next fall.....90% off....can't beat that! But would you believe that the only scrapbook things I bought were 6 sheets of paper & a few packages of the Spare Parts embellishments & that was only because they were 50% off. Otherwise, I wouldn't have bought anything.....there was nothing that I needed or that interested me. Even Jim was shocked :)

Thanksgiving was pretty good.....Shawn came over & it was really nice to see him. Toni never made it though, so I didn't get to see my granddaughter :(

Tomorrow I think we'll just be staying home & doing laundry, cleaning & relaxing before Jim has to go back to work on Monday. But who knows.....those plans could change when I wake up in the morning & I may go do some more shopping :)

Have a great rest of the weekend,


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're having a great couple of days! The photos look fab!

Melissa said...

i am sooooooo jealous!! Dane rocks!

Gabrielle said...

Ohh love me some Dane! I would love to see him...I'll have to go look to see when he is near me! :)

Umm YEAH Dane is cuter then Carlos!

Lorrie said...

oh Benita, sorry you didn't get to see your grandbaby, but glad you had a nice Thanksiving just the same.
I can't believe you didn't find a TON of stuff in Hobby Lobby. It's a good darn thing we don't have one of those stores near me.. I could do some serious damage in that store!! lol.

toners said...

What a fun weekend you have had! And a huge THANK YOU for the Primas you sent me - OMGosh, it was like Christmas came DD was drooling! LOL!! Thanks again :)

Micki said...

Ok I am SO jealous! Love Dane Cook! Not only is he funny but he's hot too!