As far as things here at home, it's been busy, busy, BUSY & that's why I haven't had a chance to even update my blog in a while. The packing is going very slowly because I just can't get motivated right now. Wednesday, our son & his friend are coming over to help us move the boxes & smaller furniture, then on Friday, the movers are coming to move the big things (dressers, big screen tv, living room furniture, my Ikea Expedit (which I hope doesn't need to be taken apart to move), washer & dryer, etc.). I also started to loose my voice on Saturday during the class I was teaching at the Zone & now I can hardly talk, which may be a good thing if you ask my husband ;)
That's it for now.....back to packing!
Hang in there, B...everything happens for a reason. Who knows, you might like this new place a lot better! :-)
Happy Birthday to your sister. Hope you get your voice back soon...and that your move goes well.
I'm sure this must be hard for you, but just remember all of the wonderful blessings you have in your life ;)
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