Jim & I really had a good time while we were there.....so much so that we ended up spending 4 1/2 hours in the store! Jim fell in love with their Swedish Meatballs so we had to buy some to bring home. I don't think I'll actually buy much of their furniture as a lot of it just isn't my style, but I love their organizational items & a lot of their other stuff. I just wish the store wasn't over an hour away from me. But then again, it might be a bad thing if it was any closer ;)
Found some more challenges on 2 different boards & you know I can't pass up a good challenge, so here they are:
Ten For Tuesday - List 10 things that people do that annoy you:
1. Talking on their cell phone while driving! BIG pet peeve of mine!
2. Driving slow in the fast lane & not moving over for people to pass you.
3. Driving with your foot on the break all the time.
4. Drunk Drivers!
5. Talking or really loud laughing in a movie theater. That just happened to us when we went to see Click.....this one lady pretty much ruined the whole movie with her annoying laugh!
6. People that move to our country, but don't learn our language or don't speak it in public! Do you ever feel like they're talking about you???
7. People that always have to "outdo" you. Example: I have this one 'friend' & everytime I tell her something, she's either done that, been there or has that same thing! Drives me nuts!
8. People that lie!
9. People that butt in line ahead of you (at stores, restaurants, etc.).
10. Chewing gum loudly.
Another challenge was to list the ABC's of you:
A ~ Affectionate, Authentic
B ~ Bright, Bratty :)
C ~ Caring, Compassionate
D ~ Devoted, Dreamer
E ~ Emotional
F ~ Fun, Faithful, Friendly
G ~ Grandma, Generous, Giving
H ~ Happy (most of the time), Honest
I ~ Imaginative, Intuitive
J ~ Jim's Wife
K ~ Kindhearted, Kasey Kahne Fan :)
L ~ Lovable, Loyal, Lazy ;)
M ~ Married, Mom, Mushy
N ~ Nice, Nascar Nut!
O ~ Optimist
P ~ Perfectionist, Prima Collector
Q ~ Quirky, Quick learner
R ~ Reliable, Responsible, Reasonable, Romantic
S ~ Scrapbooker, Sensitive, Scared of thunderstorms!
T ~ Tall, Trustworthy
U ~ Unique, Unselfish
V ~ Virgo
W ~ Wholehearted
X ~ Xyron lover (only X I can think of :)
Y ~ Young at heart
Z ~ Zestful
Tomorrow (or should I say today since it's after midnight & I'm wide awake right now because it's storming outside again!) is Cassie's 16th birthday! Wow, I'm definitely getting old! I picked her & Emma up on Saturday & now Emma is here again for another week. They want to go to the mall tomorrow & then we'll be taking them to Cassie's favorite restaurant tomorrow night for her birthday. I was going to order her a cake, but she kept telling me that she didn't want one this year. How can you turn 16 without a cake??? It's gonna be kind of sad not to have any cake pictures to take :( I may try to pick one up for her while she's at the mall anyway. IF she let's me take any pictures of her, I'll post them here the next time I update my blog.
It's late & I need to try to get some sleep since I haven't been sleeping very good at all since the storm last week.
Until next time.....stay cool & safe,