There have been a couple of blog challenges listed on
2 Peas recently & I thought I would play along. I love doing these challenges :) The first one that I'm doing is one that Wendy hosted for us to write all about ourselves in our blog & add pictures....one taken outside, one close-up & another one of our choice. The first picture was taken this past summer outside by my Clematis that grows up behind our garage. Next picture is of what I consider my best feature.....my eyes, which I also did a layout about. The 3rd picture is of my dh & I being silly during a photo shoot that we did together :) Now my responses to the challenge:
Your first name: Benita
Nicknames????: Benny, Bo, B, Sparky
Age: 43
Where you were born: Royal Oak, Michigan
Where you live now: Michigan
Children?: 2, 19 yo son & 15 yo daughter
Favorite Holiday tradition: Putting up our Nativity set & then having Santa bring Baby Jesus each year :)
When you started scrapping: January of 2003
How many times have you been published?: None :(
Favorite food: Pizza!
Favorite snack: I don't get them very often since they are only sold in PA, but I just love Middleswarth Bar-B-Q potato chips!
Anything else you would like to add: Besides scrapbooking, I love bowling, Nascar, decorating my home & spending lots of time with my husband & family. I've also been trying to truly enjoy life each & every day because when I lost my sister & brother-in-law last year, it made me realize just how fragile & short life is & we don't know how long we have here on earth!
The next challenge was hosted by Sophia for us to write about our favorite holiday memory, so here is mine. I'd definitely have to say that my best holiday memory is of the year that Jim & I got married, December 24, 1989. We thought it would be romantic to get married on Christmas Eve & it was, the first year. But after having kids, it was hard to find time for romance after having to stay up & wait for Santa to arrive :) Jim & I kid around all the time, saying that we should have waited until New Years Eve to get married because at least then, we would always have a party to go to, lol. Ah well.....we've already decided that once our daughter moves out, we're going to start spending our anniversary in Niagara Falls, Canada.....our favorite vacation spot in the summer & wintertime.
I also found this quiz on Karen's blog, so I thought I'd include it on mine as well. This is me, A-Z:
A-Age: 43
B-Bed size: King
C-Chore you hate: Laundry & cleaning the bathrooms!
D-Dessert you love: Chocolate Marble Cheesecake that Jim made for Thanksgiving :)
E-Essential start your day item: Breakfast with chocolate milk. I don't drink coffee.
F-Favorite actor(s): Tommy Lee Jones.
G-Gold or Silver: Both, but only gold for my rings.
H-Height: 5'9"
I-Instruments you play: I took violin lessons years ago.....just wish now that I would have stuck with them!
J-Job title: Stay at home wife & mom
K-Kids: 2, 19 yo son & 15 yo daughter.
L-Living arrangements: Me, husband Jim, daughter Cassie & 2 mutts, Onyx & Reeses.
M-Mom's name: Mae, but she goes by her middle name Louise.
O-Overnight hospital stay other than birth: Yes for my hysterectomy in January of 2000.
P-Phobia: Spiders, dentists, thunderstorms, heights, but yet I want to skydive someday :)
Q-Quote you like: We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.
Sir Winston Churchill
R-Right or left handed: Right
S-Siblings: 4, I'm the youngest of 5 girls.
T-Time you woke up today: 7:00 am
U-Unique habit: Don't know how unique it is, but I have to be completely covered with blankets up to my neck when I sleep at night, even in the summertime.
V-Vegetable you hate: Pretty much all of them.
W-Worst habit: Being so obsessive about my hair.
X-X-rays you've had: Back, foot, teeth, chest.
Y-Yummy food you can make: Homemade Macaroni & Cheese.
Z- Zodiac Sign: 100% Virgo! I have all the traits of a Virgo & then some :)
I just realized that their wasn't an N in this quiz, so I'm going to add one:
N-Name something you love to do: Scrapbook, of course :), bowl, decorate & go to Nascar races.
Well, there you have it......me :)
Until I blog again,